MozFest Virtual Gatherings - Join us!

The Mozilla Festival is the space where we gather to sustain each other as we push and pull towards a shift in political consciousness for a technology landscape, and world, that aligns with us and our planet. It will be the physical and virtual terrain where we reclaim the internet, together.

As part of this important work, we will be hosting monthly virtual events for our global community to exchange perspectives, address ethical considerations in products, explore data practices from different parts of the world, share research and experience art projects. So that as we focus locally, we do so in concert with our global community.

We’re inviting you to join us in bringing a MozFest Virtual Gathering to life!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

We’d love to get to know you a bit more and collect a few more details!

You’ll find members of the global MozFest Community year-round in the MozFest Discord Server - sharing new ideas, getting to know one another, and convening around important topics or ideas. The MozFest Discord Community is the largest gathering of truly amazing people you’ll find on the ‘net!

Discord as a platform allows for online chat , voice, and video features to connect folks from all across the world, and most importantly, is the main platform where our MozFest Virtual Gatherings are hosted. 

Sounds good! Just a few more quick details here…