Sat May 4 2024 01:46:16 PDT
  • Severity: S3, S4, N/A
  • Resolution: ---
  • Priority: --
  • Type: defect
  • Classification: Client Software, Developer Infrastructure, Components, Server Software, Other
  • Product: Fenix, GeckoView
  • Component: Android Studio and Gradle Integration
  • Component: (is not equal to) UI Tests

This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Type Pri Sev Summary Product Comp Whiteboard Assignee Resolution Updated
1807154 -- S3 Desktop site option not remembered when Fenix is closed, and re-opened Fenix General avirvara --- 2024-01-03
1844753 -- S4 No Splash screen activated when accessing Fenix from the Search widget on Android 14 Fenix Search giorga --- 2024-03-08
1885168 -- S3 The Translation icon might not displayed right after opening the page from custom tab Fenix Translations [fxdroid][foundation] giorga --- 2024-04-19
1875179 -- S3 Investigate password manager event telemetry Fenix Experimentation and [fxdroid] hoglesby --- 2024-02-12
1807360 -- S3 Black screen when submitting a large file Fenix Browser Engine jackyzy823 --- 12:46:35
1854254 -- S3 Generated kotlin FxNimbus file does not update after a rebuild Fenix Experimentation and lina --- Thu 11:09
1813460 -- S4 The text in the button "Report site issue" isn't aligned Fenix General loganrosen --- 2023-07-26
1839646 -- S4 The Save button from the "Add search engine" screen is red on Android 5 device Fenix Search mavduevskiy --- 2024-02-09
1891417 -- S3 [toolbar redesign] toolbar disappears during tabs swipe Fenix Toolbar [fxdroid] mavduevskiy --- Wed 06:48
1873160 -- S3 Most buttons and icons in Fenix are not aligned Fenix Design System and Th [qa-triaged] mlobontiuroman --- 2024-04-11
1876417 -- S3 When tab is sent when retrying after error, the message stays red Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2024-04-16
1843871 -- S3 No mobile and tablet visual indicator for opened tabs Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-07-18
1850707 -- S3 [fxa-content-server] Canceled pairing from the mobile device should update automatically on the desktop side Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-08-31
1862033 -- S3 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at org.mozilla.fenix.settings.account.SignOutFragment$onViewCreated$1$1.invokeSuspend(SignOutFragment.kt)] Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2024-01-11
1794232 -- S3 Synced Tab suggestions are overwritten by history suggestions Fenix Accounts and Sync [fxdroid] [experience] nobody --- 2023-12-05
1795383 -- S3 LoginsStorage.wipeLocal doesn't work as expected Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2022-11-01
1816130 -- S3 The Synced Tab CFR overlaps the bottom Address Bar if the Shortcuts section is disabled and the device is oriented in landscape mode Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-10-04
1817226 -- S3 [Bug]: "Disconnect" button is not working after a period of time Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-06-10
1818506 -- S3 Talkback explore by touch is broken on the initial Sync and save your data screen Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-11-02
1824968 -- S3 The email/account name should be displayed in the account section after signing in Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2024-02-26
1828007 -- S3 Accounts login flow should persist state when returning back to the homescreen Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-05-24
1810634 -- S4 [Bug]: Sending tabs to a device AND closing them not anymore possible Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2024-02-27
1810774 -- S4 SyncedTabsTrayLayout attached when switching in/out of private tabs tray position in the tabs tray Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-11-28
1810991 -- S4 Sign out dialogue is not centered on tablet in Landscape mode Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2024-03-12
1812111 -- S3 "Sync now" button has no effect on specific device, unable to use sync feature. Fenix Accounts and Sync [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-08-22
1812185 -- S4 Firefox Account sign in page - doesn't show full title in Firefox For Android Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2024-03-06
1813769 -- S3 Unable to Sync using custom server Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-11-28
1796492 -- S3 WorkManagerSyncManager.getLastSynced doesn't return sync times for different accounts Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796502 -- S3 FxA login should redirect to an error page even if finishAuthenticationAsync returns error Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-08-27
1798858 -- S3 [Android] Sent tabs from desktop are displayed only after manually Syncing or after opening open tabs on android Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2024-02-27
1809267 -- S3 Sending youtube links from pc directly opened by third party apps Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2023-06-14
1887630 -- S3 Login to Mozilla account remains blocked Fenix Accounts and Sync nobody --- 2024-03-29
1887822 -- S3 gradle: fails to build with `fenix/../android-components/.buildconfig.yml (no such file or directory)` Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2024-04-16
924961 -- S3 [meta] IDE development support for mobile/android Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
944553 -- S3 Automatically detect missing ProGuard-related annotations at compile time Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1041852 -- S3 Consider enabling Proguard's obfuscation feature Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1044247 -- S3 Packaging the Fennec app takes too much time Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1048651 -- S3 Proguard may delete or rename return types. Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1064642 -- S3 Make add_java_jar build the .jar file by default Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1066674 -- S3 Figure out how to clear ADDR_COMPAT_LAYOUT to win 1GB Firefox Build System Android Studio and G [games] nobody --- 2022-10-11
1080671 -- S3 Upload pre- and post-ProGuard javap outputs Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1090610 -- S3 Add flag to packager that fails build if minification fails Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1091052 -- S3 Print ProGuard stats during build Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1091068 -- S3 Print minification stats during packaging Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1108881 -- S3 Compile Fennec third party libraries as separate JARs Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1119871 -- S3 Implement Probe for use in Fennec Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1133459 -- S3 Compiling with --with-version-android=21 does not work Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1152634 -- S3 Use a new build define instead of re-purposing MOZ_UPDATER Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1163850 -- S3 Intellij's use of MOZCONFIG envvar is unintuitive Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1188925 -- S3 Use facebook/proguard rather than Vanilla proguard Firefox Build System Android Studio and G [lang=make][lang=Python][good next bug] nobody --- 2022-10-11
1190567 -- S3 Aggressive ProGuard rules strip out RecyclerView.getAdapter Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1198478 -- S3 expand filtering of .rej files from to gradle Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1206484 -- S3 Firefox for Android build error: js/src/frontend/Parser.cpp:6834: error: undefined reference to 'js::frontend::TokenStream::Operand' Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1207680 -- S3 Extract Android version pins for use in mozconfigs, configure, |mach gradle|, and |mach bootstrap| Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1210385 -- S3 Add a build step to check whether our downloadable fonts have changed Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1212913 -- S3 Separate targetSdkVersion from compileSdkVersion for Android Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-14
1217898 -- S3 Handle APK splits gracefully in Gradle Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1222636 -- S3 Missing onImeRemoveComposition method when using mach artifact Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1226620 -- S3 setting up to build Android Firefox on MacOS using curl failed during python patching Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1229269 -- S3 Remove all uses Resources.getResourceIdentifier from Fennec to enable Gradle's shrinkResources Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1233601 -- S3 Make gradle builds with Adjust consistent with mach's behavior Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1247252 -- S3 Merely building fennec starts adb server Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1248764 -- S3 Enable Adjust on all release channels Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1252149 -- S3 Pack ua-updates.json into the APK assets/ directory rather than the APK root Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1255580 -- S3 LeakCanary startup crash when launching from AS with localDebug build variant Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1256454 -- S3 RuntimeException: No log file specified! when running robocop via the IDE Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1258786 -- S3 [meta] checkstyle Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1263967 -- S3 Investigate gradle-versions-plugin to show when dependencies are out-of-date Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1266222 -- S3 OS X-only try pushes run Android lint jobs Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1267566 -- S3 'Data usage' lists Aurora with generic icon and as org.mozilla.fennec.sharedID:10244 Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1268948 -- S3 Lint doesn't like .mkdir.done file in raw resources Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1270992 -- S3 Use direct paths in mozharness config, rather than shortnames Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1286677 -- S3 Re-evaluate multidex method limit solution before using gradle for production builds Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1289585 -- S3 localOldDebug builds semi-broken (ZipException when building via ./gradlew clean app:assembleDebug) Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1293677 -- S3 ASAN on android Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1302995 -- S3 Consider using redex to reduce Android .apk size Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1305524 -- S3 ./mach run to run the fennec emulator build doesn't work on OS X Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1317218 -- S3 Bootstrap should ask for (and use) existing Android sdk and ndk locations Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1318220 -- S3 Build with adjust (and/or full release config) on mozilla-central and aurora Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1324015 -- S3 lint check use of shortBrandName and similar substitutions Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1339551 -- S3 mach errors when trying to build and compile for the first time Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1370179 -- S3 error: unmappable character for encoding ASCII Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1375571 -- S3 Move Android resource usage out of mobile/android/services Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1417626 -- S3 Gradle build failure: mozpack.errors.ErrorMessage: Error: chrome/toolkit/content/extensions/ext-idle.js already added Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1418507 -- S3 Include more directories in Android Studio's file search Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1445606 -- S3 Package & install commands could produce faulty package without explicit failure Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1570409 -- S3 [meta] Remove support for building Fennec with --enable-application=mobile/android Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2022-10-11
1642070 -- S3 Intermittent Exception: ['tar', 'xf', '-'] exited 2 after raise Exception('%r exited %d' % (args, p.returncode)) Firefox Build System Android Studio and G [stockwell unknown] nobody --- 2024-04-14
1705546 -- S4 Unclear how to recover from broken build (file-system-full) Firefox Build System Android Studio and G nobody --- 2021-10-07
1846118 -- S3 Magnets links not working anymore if open links in app is set to never Fenix App Links [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-27
1850911 -- S3 not open italian SPID and CIE app Fenix App Links nobody --- 2024-03-05
1838789 -- S3 Firefox on Android does not offer password generation on certain sites Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2023-06-30
1841269 -- S3 - Save login information is not triggered Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2023-07-28
1849342 -- S4 The "Suggested logins" prompt should not be displayed when the credential field is not focused Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2023-08-18
1856139 -- S3 credit card autofill failure with some android apps Fenix Autofill [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-03
1875314 -- S4 Tapping once on a saved login does not dismiss the "Suggested logins" prompt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-18
1877240 -- S3 Strong password suggestion prompt might show when user login into a site Fenix Autofill [fxdroid] nobody --- 2024-01-29
1877636 -- N/A [meta] Android Credit Card AutoFill QA - Top 10 Shopping Sites Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-29
1877651 -- S3 [US][ebay] The dropdown list for selecting a CC is not initially displayed on the first attempt in "Card Number" field on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877674 -- S3 [US][walmart] The dropdown list for selecting a CC is not initially displayed on the first attempt in any field on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877705 -- S3 [US][etsy] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt in any field tapped on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877708 -- S3 [US][wish] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt in "Credit or Debit Card Number" field on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877716 -- S3 [ebay] The dropdown list for selecting a CC is not displayed for all eligible fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-27
1877728 -- S3 [US][wish] The dropdown list for selecting a CC is not displayed for "Expiry Date" on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877733 -- S3 [US][wish] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting card from Fenix on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877746 -- S3 [US][wayfair] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt in any field on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877756 -- S3 [US][wayfair] The "Expiry date" text box doesn't activate the CC dropdown on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877766 -- S3 [US][wayfair] Selecting an option from any dropdown doesn't fill in all eligible fields on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877776 -- S3 [US][bestbuy] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt in "Credit or Debit Card Number" field on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877924 -- S3 [US][bestbuy] The "First name" text box doesn't activate the CC dropdown Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-01-31
1877929 -- S3 [CA][amazon] Selecting the "Name on card" or "Expiry date" text box doesn't activate the CC dropdown Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1877931 -- S3 [CA][amazon] The "Name on card" is not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1877973 -- S3 [CA][walmart] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting a card Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1878018 -- S3 [CA][thebay] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt in any field tapped Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1878040 -- S3 [CA][newegg] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt in any field tapped Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1878068 -- S3 [CA][canadiantire] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt in "Credit or Debit Card Number" field Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1878073 -- S3 [CA][canadiantire] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1878083 -- S3 [CA][lowes] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1878245 -- S3 [US][homedepot] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-01
1878248 -- S3 [US][apple] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878253 -- S3 [US][apple] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878296 -- S3 [UK][johnlewis] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878297 -- S3 [UK][johnlewis] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1893305 -- S3 [CA][reitmans] The name and street address autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893304 -- S3 [CA][reitmans] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893302 -- S3 [CA][columbiasportswear] The name, street address, State/Province and Email autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1890192 -- S3 The password is autocompleted and saved with the password from the other accounts on the same site Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-25
1893300 -- S3 [CA][columbiasportswear] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893297 -- S3 [CA][llbean] The name, street address and State/Province autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893294 -- S3 [CA][llbean] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893291 -- S3 [CA][urbanbarn] The Name and Street address 1 and 2, State/Province, Postal/Zip code autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893289 -- S3 [CA][urbanbarn] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893282 -- S3 [CA][samsung] The name and street address autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893280 -- S3 [CA][] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893268 -- S3 [CA][calvinklein] The name and street address and postal/zip code autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893267 -- S3 [CA][calvinklein] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893265 -- S3 [CA][sephora] The name and street address autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893264 -- S3 [CA][sephora] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893262 -- S3 [US][shein] The autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893261 -- S3 [US][] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on any of the fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893259 -- S3 [US][therealreal] The name and street address autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893258 -- S3 [US][] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893256 -- S3 [US]] The name and the street address autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893255 -- S3 [US][] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893253 -- S3 [US][zara] The street address and phone autofill doesn't work on Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1893251 -- S3 [US][zara] The address autofill dropdown isn't displayed on multiple fields Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-24
1878305 -- S3 [UK][screwfix] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878315 -- S3 [UK][asda] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878329 -- S3 [UK][tesco] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878333 -- S3 [UK][Tesco] The credit card expiration date (year) is not autofilled correctly when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878337 -- S3 [UK][argos] Fenix doesn't autofill any fields except the text box that triggers the credit card dropdown Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878338 -- S3 [UK][argos] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878342 -- S3 [UK][asos] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1878406 -- S3 [CA][homedepot] The Cardholder Name is not autofilled when selecting card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-02
1882736 -- N/A [meta] Android Address AutoFill QA - Top 10 Shopping Sites Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-21
1882738 -- S3 [US][CA][amazon] The "Address" field does not autofill when selecting an address from Fenix. Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-01
1882762 -- S3 [ebay] The "Address" and "Phone number" fields are not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix. Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-29
1882765 -- S3 [ebay] The select address dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-29
1882961 -- S3 [walmart] The select address dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-29
1882969 -- S3 [walmart] The "Street address" field is not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-02-29
1882977 -- S3 [US][homedepot] The select address dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-01
1882994 -- S3 [US][CA][homedepot] The "Delivery address" fields are not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-01
1883027 -- S3 [US][CA][etsy] The “Street Address” and "Flat/Other (optional)" fields are not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-01
1883070 -- S3 [US][wish] The "Address" and "State" fields are not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-01
1883111 -- S3 [US][wayfair] The "Address", "Name" and "State" fields are not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-04
1883309 -- S3 [US][lowes] The "Address Line 1" is not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-04
1883311 -- S3 [US][lowes] None of the address form fields are highlighted with the autofill specific yellow highlight color Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-04
1883318 -- S3 [US][lowes] The select address dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-05
1883341 -- S3 [US][bestbuy] The "Address" fields are not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-04
1883377 -- S3 [US][apple] The “Address” fields are not autofilled when selecting an address from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-04
1883589 -- S3 [US][apple] The "Select address" dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-05
1887632 -- S3 [FR][cdiscount] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-25
1887653 -- S3 [FR][vinted] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-25
1887816 -- S3 [FR][decathlon] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-25
1887819 -- S3 [FR][darty] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-26
1887894 -- S3 [FR][fnac] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-26
1888166 -- S3 [lufthansa] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-27
1888168 -- S3 [lufthansa] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-27
1888403 -- S3 [philips] The credit card expiration date and the credit card number are not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-28
1888407 -- S3 [philips] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-28
1888434 -- S3 [calvinklein] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-28
1888437 -- S3 [calvinklein] The credit card expiration date and the credit card number are not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-28
1888458 -- S3 [] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-28
1888624 -- S3 [] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-29
1888626 -- S3 [] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-29
1888631 -- S3 [mediamarkt] The CC dropdown isn't displayed on the first attempt Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-29
1888633 -- S3 [] The credit card expiration date is not autofilled when selecting a card from Fenix Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-03-29
1889171 -- S3 Firefox Android Autofill for Credit card infos Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2024-04-12
1813816 -- S4 Save and Update credit card prompts are displayed floating when there is a expended menu on the payment webpage Fenix Autofill nobody --- 2023-10-24
1814142 -- S4 Credit card prompt does not disappear when no longer selecting a credit card field Fenix Autofill [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-10-24
1814165 -- S3 The "Select address" prompt should be displayed again after clearing the field and tapping it Fenix Autofill [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-09-25
1816869 -- S3 [Bug]: The "Select address" prompt should be displayed on the first tap on the form fields Fenix Autofill [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-27
1816871 -- S3 [Bug]: The saved address is not autofilled on Amazon if a different Country/Region is already selected Fenix Autofill [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-09-25
1817014 -- S3 [Bug]: Details for a saved credit card are displayed after an interruption, followed by touching the "Recent" Android button Fenix Autofill [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-27
1818006 -- S3 [a11y] Consider increasing 3dots menu on the "Bookmarks" page on Samsung GalaxyZ Fold 4 Fenix Bookmarks nobody --- 2023-09-18
1821635 -- S4 [a11y] Item descriptions suggestion on the 3dots menu button from the "Bookmarks" page Fenix Bookmarks nobody --- 2023-10-18
1835525 -- S3 Bookmarks get the last used folder as parent in edit mode Fenix Bookmarks nobody --- 2024-01-28
1836143 -- S4 [Bug] Favicons are not reliably saved next to the bookmark in private mode. Fenix Bookmarks [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-27
1859176 -- S3 Last used folder for bookmarking is not always saved Fenix Bookmarks [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-24
1878873 -- S3 [a11y] When TalkBack is activated, the "Clear" (x) button on the fields of the "Edit bookmark" page does not work Fenix Bookmarks nobody --- 2024-02-06
1807588 -- S3 Bookmarks search does not find duplicate entries Fenix Bookmarks nobody --- 2023-09-10
1811582 -- S3 Bookmarklets doesn't work from bookmarks Fenix Bookmarks nobody --- 2024-03-06
1812171 -- S3 False triggering of the clear buttons in edit bookmark UI Fenix Bookmarks nobody --- 2023-04-07
1812703 -- S3 The app crashes when returning to the edit bookmarks menu after changing device settings Fenix Bookmarks nobody --- 2024-01-11
1810175 -- S4 Network Service Discovery not supported Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-18
1810589 -- S3 [Bug]: "Find in page" doesn't work correctly with German Umlaute Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-02-27
1811595 -- S3 Browser features broken after device screen timeout with an active alert notification Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-12
1813347 -- S3 useing "scrol to hide toolbar" will make media player in portrait orientation "hide" cotrol buttons Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-03-31
1813652 -- S4 Text inputing into Deviantart appearing out of order Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813704 -- S4 firefox nightly uses https rr as altsvc only when DoH is enabled Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813727 -- S4 Context menu stopped working for Javascript links Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813729 -- S4 Bookmarklets with native Javascript dialogs stopped working Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813750 -- S3 Losing focus doesn't dismiss popup prompt for <select> element Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813755 -- S3 Navigation back button does not respect history.replaceState / history.pushState Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813798 -- S3 Firefox Android crashed when open and click explore Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-02-27
1813835 -- S3 Sometimes when there is no Internet connection, page that was loading becomes blank and refresh button doesn't work Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-08
1813867 -- S4 Not all available dictionary apps on list of dictionaries Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813868 -- S3 Self-signed certificates are no longer working Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-15
1813881 -- S4 Bright media notification background on dark theme Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813889 -- S4 [Bug]: Full screen content not fitting the screen correctly. Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1813902 -- S4 The brightness is strangely changed after connecting to a bluetooth keyboard Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-02-19
1813912 -- S4 Can't resize TEXTAREA Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-03-06
1814184 -- S3 Selecting text with mouse is impossible in Firefox for Android, it selects the entire bottom half of the page instead of where I select. Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1814188 -- S3 block location permission request is not persisted in private tab Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-01-30
1814205 -- S3 Permission notification never disappears if the app is dismissed Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1815622 -- S3 "Open image in new tab" doesn't load images (or loads images zoomed in way too far) Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-21
1815805 -- S4 Fenix and Focus use "Nightly" branding in error page for x-frame-options failure, as well as `about:neterror?` Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-01-02
1824086 -- S3 input element with associated datalist should show autocomplete options Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-30
1824388 -- S3 Precise location (GPS) does not work in Android 12 Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-13
1833650 -- S3 The top of the web page is re-drawn when clicking on the Google search bar Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-02-29
1834184 -- S3 scale inconsistent in full screen Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-21
1834198 -- S3 Details and Talkback on Android A14 Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-15
1894053 -- S3 Firefox ignores global custom CA Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- Thu 09:26
1890292 -- S4 [NSFW] Full screen video automatically reverts to portrait mode, right on the site Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- Wed 14:41
1891328 -- S3 "Find in page" has a flash with black background, on light theme and on dark theme, when we open the keyboard to write something Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-16
1794913 -- S3 `browser-engine-gecko` has proprietary transitive dependencies and pulls Google Play Services into apps that shouldn't ship it Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795137 -- S3 Error page not working properly Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795420 -- S3 GeckoView - InputResultDetail syncronization issues Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1865320 -- S3 Background image doesn't fill the whole page in some edge cases Fenix Browser Engine [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-11-28
1867910 -- S3 Abnormal invocation of the 'Window: resize' event Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-13
1868066 -- S3 Dots jump up and down when inputing in password field in, especially input 1q1q1q1q... Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-06
1870867 -- S3 unable to reset zoom Fenix Browser Engine [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-09
1871100 -- S3 Input element can get out of sync with Android keyboard if set too soon after input event Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-20
1873703 -- S3 Weird space introduced rendering &rsquo; in webpage Fenix Browser Engine [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-22
1875561 -- S3 about:mozilla rendering Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-22
1875615 -- S4 Rendering issue when switching tabs Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-11
1875625 -- S3 Can't view the page source of a link opened in a new tab Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-11
1875669 -- S3 Wrong resolution on external display (DeX) Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-02-26
1875747 -- S3 "Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use all the features on this site." warning visible on Bugzilla (noscript element not honoured by Fenix) Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-16
1796362 -- S3 PWA should dismiss MediaState notification Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796365 -- S3 There should be only one MediaSession object Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796366 -- S3 MediaSessionFeature, MediaSessionFullscreenFeature: Simplify observer Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796369 -- S3 Rotate fullscreen media using sensor orientation even when rotation lock is active Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796462 -- S3 Camera permission dialog looks cut off Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796467 -- S3 [Bug] Error page -> Advanced -> Accept the Risk sometimes does not work Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-02-27
1796468 -- S3 High risk error pages do not have URI's for "url encoded" error pages Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-05
1796469 -- S3 Weird highlighting on error pages Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796470 -- S3 A few messages reference "computer" Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796471 -- S3 InterceptResponse.Deny in SystemEngineView has no effect Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796472 -- S3 Fix SystemEngineView#Handler deprecation in Android 11 Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796473 -- S3 Fix webSettings.setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs deprecation in Android 11 Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796474 -- S3 Fix webSettings.setAppCacheEnabled deprecation in Android 11 Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796476 -- S3 Cookie information not passed to DownloadState. Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796481 -- S3 SystemEngineView: Do we need to set WebView to invisible? Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1796485 -- S3 RequestInterceptor fails after visiting an about: link Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-05-30
1798694 -- S3 Frequent black screens when loading pages from Google Feed Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-11-17
1807077 -- S3 Web content flashes when Firefox opened Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-18
1807143 -- S3 Find in page should match words with diacritics Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-13
1807145 -- S3 “Find in page“ toolbar randomly disappears while searching certain web pages Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-12
1807146 -- S3 Find in page: Wrong display : "-1" count for search inside the webpage Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-16
1809295 -- S3 Long-pressing a link with a title attribute doesn't show the title text in the context popup Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-01-01
1809306 -- S3 "Copy Link" context menu copies title instead of URL for HTML5 Video Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-17
1809308 -- S3 auto hide context menu after dictionary use Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-12
1838586 -- S4 Disappearing letters and UI elements when using Webrender HW rendering Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-21
1842049 -- S3 [Regression] Double click to select text doesn't work Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-15
1843879 -- S3 Webpage stops/is slow painting, but instant after tab switch Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-01-15
1844457 -- S4 login reveals user password in plain text in Firefox for Android Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-01
1848974 -- S3 getUserMedia: Displayed at -90 degrees in landscape orientation on Android 13 Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-01-22
1849825 -- S3 "Font size" seems to change the entire viewport size. Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-18
1851111 -- S3 File input fails to read files from Google Drive Fenix Browser Engine [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-12-09
1852332 -- S3 parallax page lags out browser and scrolling Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-08
1863676 -- S3 stalls on android 13 Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2023-12-20
1879782 -- S3 Controls missing in video player while in full-screen portrait mode Fenix Browser Engine [qa-triaged] nobody --- Tue 14:42
1881192 -- S4 Should show dialog on tab close and window ask to stay in beforeunload event Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-16
1881907 -- S3 Failed to redirect to correct desktop site in some cases Fenix Browser Engine nobody --- 2024-04-11
1816634 -- S3 Saved tab is not displayed in newly created collection Fenix Collections nobody --- 2023-02-15
1809827 -- S3 Newly created collections are not highlighted Fenix Collections nobody --- 2023-11-28
1812737 -- S3 Tabs from collection are placed at the wrong end of the tab list Fenix Collections nobody --- 2023-11-28
1812746 -- S3 Strange Tab in Collections Items Behavior When Deleting Multiple Tabs Fenix Collections nobody --- 2023-11-28
1858095 -- S3 [a11y] Consider increasing the collection name of the "Add new collection" prompt for Android 6 devices Fenix Collections nobody --- 2023-10-18
1807875 -- S3 Enter key doesn't work when trying to create a New Collections via three-dot menu Fenix Collections [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-08-25
1887690 -- S3 Crash in [@ java.lang.NullPointerException: at android.widget.Editor.updateFloatingToolbarVisibility(] GeckoView Core nobody --- 2024-03-25
1890000 -- S3 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at kotlinx.coroutines.sync.MutexImpl.unlock(Mutex.kt)] Fenix Crash Reporting nobody --- 2024-04-22
1810966 -- S3 Refreshing a crashed tab before restoring it will display a blank page Fenix Crash Reporting nobody --- 2024-01-11
1813414 -- S3 Fenix crashes leave files behind which cannot be cleared and waste precious user storage space Fenix Crash Reporting nobody --- 2024-01-11
1811611 -- S3 App tabs have conflicting or unreadable system UI coloring (between location bar vs. system tray), if Fenix theme disagrees with system theme Fenix Design System and Th nobody --- 2024-01-17
1813529 -- S3 Firefox does not switch automatically between Light <> Dark theme if it was closed when OS theme is changed Fenix Design System and Th [qa-triaged] [mobile-ux-bug] nobody --- 2024-03-26
1878432 -- S3 During automatic theme changes the Fenix UI sometimes does not always update Fenix Design System and Th [android-stability] nobody --- 2024-04-16
1882348 -- S3 When the toolbar is on top the new tab button is at the button at the most inconvenient location. Fenix Design System and Th nobody --- 2024-03-13
1807095 -- S4 Page reloads on Android theme switching Fenix Design System and Th nobody --- 2023-12-13
1871015 -- S3 Switching from dark mode to light mode and back doesn't always work in Firefox on Android (Samsung Galaxy S10) Fenix Design System and Th nobody --- Mon 09:53
1873022 -- S3 Dark Mode not respected for links opened in Nightly/Beta from other apps Fenix Design System and Th [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-23
1842385 -- S3 Browser sometimes gets in an unreadable mix of light and dark theme Fenix Design System and Th nobody --- 2024-03-03
1852189 -- S3 Download files forcing cell phone reboot (firefox ver117.0.1) Fenix Downloads [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-10-06
1878402 -- S3 i cannot install apk directly Fenix Downloads [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-13
1887224 -- S3 Crash in [@ java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: at$Companion.execute(CoroutinesRoom.kt)] Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2024-04-08
1817210 -- S3 Download prompt is shown twice after changing the System theme Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2023-02-16
1819001 -- S3 download can not resume Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2023-12-12
1823334 -- S4 File name disappears from the download prompt after changing screen orientation Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2023-03-20
1792927 -- S3 MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl returns empty string on some file names. Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2023-05-30
1792931 -- S3 Support users denying permissions twice on DownloadsFeature Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2023-05-30
1792941 -- S3 Downloads from Firefox not tagged as downloads on Samsung My Files Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2024-03-17
1795378 -- S3 Downloaded media files are not indexed to MediaStorage Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2023-06-03
1812784 -- S3 Download failed when attempting to download an image at Fenix Downloads [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-02-16
1813432 -- S3 Save as PDF doesn't work for certain sites Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2023-12-21
1875949 -- S3 HTTP auth not sent when downloading a link Fenix Downloads nobody --- 2024-04-05
1841087 -- S3 [Experiment] Incorrect telemetry ping is displayed in Glean when download fails Fenix Experimentation and nobody --- 2023-06-29
1841794 -- S3 [Experiment]Incorrect telemetry ping "events.marketing_notification_allowed": false is displayed in Glean Fenix Experimentation and nobody --- 2023-07-05
1861549 -- S3 `nimbus-cli enroll` must be run twice to enroll in an experiment Fenix Experimentation and nobody --- 2024-02-15
1815630 -- S4 Gate growth data by network instead of campaign Fenix Experimentation and nobody --- 2023-12-12
1815691 -- S3 [Experiment] The pre-permission prompt can be dismissed or allowed multiple times if the phone language was changed and the app focused Fenix Experimentation and nobody --- 2023-04-06
1811593 -- S3 GLAM release data seems to include builds we don't build Fenix Experimentation and nobody --- 2023-12-01
1813421 -- S3 Nimbus Experiments rework to compose Fenix Experimentation and nobody --- 2023-12-01
1809323 -- S3 Evaluate and correct metrics pings Fenix Experimentation and nobody --- 2023-12-01
1812951 -- S3 Extension popups are leaked to the tabs API to other extensions, which enables tracking GeckoView Extensions nobody --- 2024-03-28
1809412 -- S3 Missing Fenix logo and thumbnail image for PDFs added as shortcuts to Home screen Fenix General [PDF reader] nobody --- 2024-04-23
1809929 -- S3 Loud crack effects in recorded voice clips with Fenix(Pixel 6 pro) (Fenix)(nightly)(android14) Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-16
1809936 -- S3 Recording voice clips in CV website with Bluetooth ear pieces not possible (Pixel6pro)(Fenix)(nightly)(android13) Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-15
1810178 -- S4 About Firefox Nightly page is not completely translated in some languages Fenix General nobody --- 2023-06-14
1810593 -- S4 3-dot menu requires two scrolls to get to bottom because it's not fully expanded (small screens?) Fenix General nobody --- 2023-06-15
1810594 -- S3 "Adjust" product name should be a placeholder in string Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-13
1810845 -- S4 Firefox flicker sometimes when minimized Fenix General nobody --- 2023-06-14
1811713 -- S3 The 'playing' event is not fired during a new video playback cycle. Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1811899 -- S4 Can't zoom even when accessibility "always allow zoom" set. Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1812063 -- S3 Animations Accessibility/Reduce Motion settings in Android not respected in Fenix Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1812067 -- S4 RTC switch cameras repeatedly blocks browser Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1812069 -- S4 Cannot use security keyboard in Android 11(MIUI 12.5 by Xiao Mi) Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-27
1812071 -- S3 Main menu auto-closes after force stopping Fenix General nobody --- 2023-06-14
1812183 -- S3 When switching the system language, some items don't get translated without a restart Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-17
1812300 -- S4 3-dot menu not fully visible on a tablet (Samsung Tab A6 (2016)) in vertical mode (1280x800) Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-09
1812373 -- S4 Black Screen Firefox Nightly Samsung Labs feature Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-13
1812398 -- S4 The `AboutFragment` misreports the app-services version when using the autoPublish workflow Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1812399 -- S4 Flicker is displayed when sending the app in background on Sony Xperia (Android 6.0.1) Fenix General nobody --- 2023-06-14
1812527 -- S3 Wrong web page render on GeckoView General nobody --- 2023-02-06
1812827 -- S3 Problem when trying to open intent Fenix General nobody --- 2024-02-27
1812829 -- S4 Miscellaneous UI Issues in large font Fenix General nobody --- 2023-06-15
1812830 -- S4 The width of the Firefox messages displayed on the Homepage is inconsistent when changing the orientation of the device Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1813000 -- S3 Firefox triggers and moves incorrectly when scrolling a mobile page. Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1813166 -- S4 URLs describing Megazord do not work Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1813194 -- S3 Consider increasing the text under "HTTPS-Only Mode" Fenix General nobody --- 2023-04-24
1813274 -- S3 Disabling "Automatic font sizing" disables font inflation, too Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1813287 -- S3 The live audio/video stream is still running after the Firefox app has already been force closed Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-10
1813381 -- S3 Browser appears briefly black after switching to it, on realme 7i Android 11 device Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-17
1813754 -- S3 Settings page transitions doesn't respect Android's reduce motion option Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-12
1813771 -- S3 "Follow device theme" defaults to dark mode on light mode Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-17
1813780 -- S3 Firefox Desktop partitions its favicon cache, but Fenix does not Fenix General nobody --- 2024-03-24
1837074 -- S3 Black content window when resizing Firefox Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-07
1837110 -- S3 Address bar clears and keyboard hides if tapped below space bar in some orientations Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-17
1839001 -- S3 Crash in [@ core::option::expect_failed | webrender::api_resources::ApiResources::create_blob_scene_builder_requests] Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-11
1839002 -- S3 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at] Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-11
1839058 -- S4 Select all text when re-focusing the address bar while searching Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-06
1839821 -- S3 [a11y] Talkback does not mention "Report Site Issue" as a button in the 3 Dot menu Fenix General nobody --- 2023-09-18
1839878 -- S4 Can't reach the bottom of the menu (Settings item) without scrolling twice Fenix General nobody --- Wed 23:20
1840035 -- S4 Crash in [java.lang.SecurityException: No active admin ComponentInfo{}] Fenix General robo-test nobody --- 2024-01-11
1840094 -- S3 [ally] Talkback doesn't recognise the radio button as checked on the "Default search engine" section Fenix General nobody --- 2023-09-18
1841516 -- S3 data: url shared from other apps first shows a network error page, but user can click in the address bar and load it anyway Fenix General [reporter-external] [client-bounty-form] [verif?] nobody --- 2024-04-16
1842553 -- S3 - Requires scrolling left-right when a larger font size is used Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-21
1843656 -- S3 Large portions of website text not visible, pinch zooming alters affected areas Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-30
1844679 -- S3 Most sites won't load sometimes. Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-21
1844737 -- S3 YouTube full screen mode showing navigation bar Fenix General nobody --- 2024-03-24
1845402 -- S3 Crash in [@] Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-11
1845570 -- S3 MuPDF is not recognized as PDF viewer under Android Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-21
1845632 -- S3 browser.display.use_document_fonts gets reset on exit Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-08-17
1845661 -- S3 Shape and size of open in another app prompt set by screen orientation at startup, not current orientation. Fenix General nobody --- 2024-02-27
1847031 -- S3 Images cannot be uploaded (, Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-27
1847537 -- S4 Dirty rendering of rounded Html element Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-12-21
1848178 -- S3 Countdown Doesn't Work In Background Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-10
1848498 -- S4 Avif images have a colored edge at right side Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-11
1848552 -- S3 Website detects view as Landscape when Keyboard in opened for typing Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-12-21
1849026 -- S4 Intermittent java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment PairFragment{832b47c} (ccab2fbb-09e3-4a9d-9a7e-d95bd7720dff) not associated with a fragment manager. Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-19
1849484 -- S3 Flaky: Websites are not properly loaded Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-09
1850612 -- S4 Can't upload files on Firefox (Android) Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-08
1852212 -- S4 [a11y] 'Double tap to activate' is repeated when tapping 'Print' via the Share button on Android 6 & 7 Fenix General nobody --- 2023-09-18
1852919 -- S3 Android Firefox not following device theme to dark/light when device switches theme automatically Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-16
1853075 -- S3 Scrolling up only works every other attempt on some pages (i.e. Google, Github, about:config) Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-12-08
1853611 -- S3 Pip Controls Unexpected behaviour Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-09-20
1854344 -- S4 radio button color green / teal, not blue as under Windows Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-09-25
1854859 -- S3 Tapping URL bar has different behavior if url vs search Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-10-26
1854938 -- S3 Some videos from stop when tapping on fullscreen Fenix General nobody --- 2023-09-25
1855517 -- S3 full screen incorrect after next video plays Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-21
1855806 -- S3 Crash in [@ arena_run_reg_dalloc | arena_t::DallocSmall | arena_dalloc | idalloc] Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-11
1856185 -- S3 When I use the auto-fill password function with the keyboard open, the login and password are not automatically filled in. Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-10-13
1856313 -- S3 Crash in [ @ java.lang.NullPointerException: null cannot be cast to non-null type android.view.Surface] Fenix General robo-test nobody --- 2024-01-11
1856511 -- S3 Reader Mode should not preserve scroll position for different pages Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-27
1857485 -- S3 doesn't load on Firefox with VPN set to Kenya Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-06
1857538 -- S3 grey stripe in notch area when watching video full screen Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-20
1857673 -- S4 Issue When using Facebook Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-12-08
1857919 -- S3 Unable to open PDF from banking app. Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-08
1858102 -- S4 Firefox on Android loses notifications on app update Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-21
1858910 -- S3 The CFR is not pointing to the Flame icon on Tablet devices Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-13
1858911 -- S4 The CFR is misplaced when changing the orientation and/or bringing foreground the app Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-22
1859142 -- S4 Navigation button sometimes doesn't properly work Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-04-07
1859277 -- S3 - Full screen videos don't cover the whole screen Fenix General [android-stability] nobody --- 2023-11-17
1859283 -- S3 Corrupted PB mask icon on the badge tab icon on Android 5 and Android 6 devices Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-19
1859337 -- S4 Latest Firefox update on Google Play broke mous, how to go back to old version? Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-10
1859342 -- S3 The PBM homepage can be scrolled using Talkback gestures Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-16
1859356 -- S3 Talkback does not always mention the element type ("window pop-up window") after reading the CFR's description Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-26
1859498 -- S3 Reader mode option is not displayed every time Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-22
1860071 -- S3 Corrupted PB mask icon is displayed on tabs tray icon while browsing on Android 5 and Android 6 devices Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-19
1861604 -- S3 Consider increasing 'Allow in private browsing' field from the prompt displayed when installing an add-on Fenix General nobody --- 2024-02-29
1861611 -- S3 [a11y] Consider increasing "Dismiss" and "Go to settings" buttons from the open links in apps CFR Fenix General nobody --- 2024-02-27
1862381 -- S3 The "Add to Home screen" prompt from private browsing isn't fixed to the private mode icon Fenix General nobody --- 2023-11-01
1862609 -- S3 Crash in [ @ java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot perform this action on a sealed instance] Fenix General robo-test nobody --- 2024-01-11
1862671 -- S4 The CFR's flicker when changing orientation Fenix General nobody --- 2023-11-02
1863877 -- S3 Firefox Android requests still favicons and apple touch icons which are gone up to multiple years Fenix General nobody --- 2024-03-24
1864660 -- S4 full screen video issue Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-28
1655069 -- S3 CSP/XFO error pages should offer an option to visit the page directly on Android Fenix General [geckoview] nobody --- 2022-11-06
1678103 -- S3 [Bug] Incorrect values of document.hidden/document.visibilityState when page is loaded in background tab Fenix General [geckoview:m86] [geckoview:2022h2?] nobody --- 2024-02-27
1778161 -- S3 Download error if connection changed (ex WiFi <-> Data) Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-08-23
1793130 -- S3 Package Visibility changes in Android 11 Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793133 -- S3 Unknown Protocol Error Page when Attempting to Open Reddit App via in-page Links Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793136 -- S3 photon_colors are unexpectedly camel case Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793140 -- S3 Dismiss search setting menu popup when configuration changed #9582 Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793141 -- S3 Dismiss collection menu popup when configuration changed Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793162 -- S3 Icon loading: Ignore fragment part of URL Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793182 -- S3 PublicSuffixList: Treats last segment of IP as public suffix Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793183 -- S3 TabCollection(s) in BrowserState Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793184 -- S3 Track load request metadata for HistoryState Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793185 -- S3 Clearing search terms on "back" is wrong when going back to the original search page Fenix General nobody --- 2023-10-03
1793186 -- S3 SessionStorage: BrowserState with selected tab id for tab that doesn't exist Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793196 -- S3 SelectTabAction: Do not allow selecting tab that does not exist Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793199 -- S3 Unary expressions are not evaluated in JEXL library Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1793208 -- S3 Opening app links more often than we should? Documentation and behavior of `AppLinksInterceptor.launchInApp` conflicts Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1794052 -- S4 Prompt.confirm(id) is not working, no response in the GeckoView. GeckoView General nobody --- 2022-10-24
1794543 -- S3 Crash when saving credit card from form at GeckoView General nobody --- 2022-11-06
1794854 -- S3 WebContent does not allow for tab switching via Target.Tab Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1794859 -- S3 Fix `MigrationTestHelper` constructor deprecation in new room versions Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795113 -- S3 The Play/Pause button does not remain displayed on the media notification Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795354 -- S3 Rewrite TypographyEllipsis to be only performed on source language? Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795376 -- S3 Robolectric artifacts not getting cached by toolchain task Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795377 -- S3 Horizontals scrolls should not trigger a page scroll Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795391 -- S3 Firefox Preview says camera on when it's not. Have to reboot phone to get rid of it. Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-10
1795398 -- S3 Sample Browser sample:about does not work Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795400 -- S3 android-components/automation/ does not work on Ubuntu 18.04 Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795403 -- S3 Loading error pages always returns invalid address Fenix General nobody --- 2023-07-20
1795419 -- S3 Fix GeckoViewFetchUnitTestCases unit tests Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795441 -- S3 intl.accept_languages are not persisted after restart when updated from about:config Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-26
1795444 -- S3 The Sync Strings workflow should not fail with an error if Fenix is not in Beta Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795445 -- S3 Unable to create JsDialog without Activity Fenix General nobody --- 2023-05-30
1795455 -- S3 A-C README has some bad links Fenix General [fxdroid] nobody --- 2023-03-15
1796350 -- S3 Pontoon link in README is invalid Fenix General nobody --- 2023-09-17
1796355 -- S3 When copy / pasting links Android 13 system notifications are overlapping the snackbars Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-18
1878302 -- S3 Clicking on the icon will invoke text selection. GeckoView General nobody --- 2024-02-14
1878544 -- S3 pre filled website is not always from history Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-21
1879003 -- S3 Sync stops Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-27
1880279 -- S4 Visual glitches while dismissing the voice recording pop-up Fenix General nobody --- 2024-03-13
1880298 -- S4 Navigation bar keeps appearing in full screen video Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-04
1880720 -- S4 Fenix accepts input while switching apps Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-21
1880751 -- S3 Long press does not open menu on Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-04
1881385 -- S4 Entries are stripped of formatting AND add spaces while typing Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-18
1881390 -- S3 Firefox minimizes when a video enters full screen on Samsung One UI Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-10
1881993 -- S3 Create an Android lang-pack font list and allowlist fonts like One UI Sans KR VF Fenix General [qa-triaged][fpp:m?] nobody --- 2024-03-21
1882312 -- S4 Fullscreen button is displayed in the middle of the video area on Fenix General nobody --- 2024-02-27
1883596 -- S3 graphics artifacts on Xiaomi 13T Pro Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-04-15
1884282 -- S3 WebGL video is broken Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-04-02
1884629 -- S4 Multi-touch input with Pointer Events is not reported as expected Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-20
1886431 -- S3 Firefox gives error message after a closing of the program, and then restart. Says Firefox crash Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-04-15
1887309 -- S3 [Android] Crash due using file picker Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-28
1887546 -- S3 Unpinned shortcuts getting pinned if cancel delete Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-04
1887840 -- S3 Opening the system drop-down menu will cause the input method to be closed Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-29
1887895 -- S3 Crashing continues and on 123 and on 124 Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-04-22
1888739 -- S3 It is difficult to select text at the edge of the screen with the cursor. Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-04-05
1888804 -- S3 Firefox restarts after force stop Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-04-04
1865489 -- S3 Freezes after a while vistiting Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-21
1866318 -- S3 Opening artist merch links in Spotify crashes Firefox Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-11
1866555 -- S3 firefox content view flickering on s22 (Europe model/Xclipse GPU) after one ui 6 Upgrade Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-25
1866810 -- S4 Crash in [@ java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'int android.view.View.mViewFlags' on a null object reference] Fenix General robo nobody --- 2024-04-16
1866891 -- S4 Price chart with slider is invisible Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-20
1868785 -- S3 Fenix shows the wrong host for ip address URIs, in clear cookies and site data dialog (e.g. for, it shows "Are you sure that you want to clear all the cookies and data for the site 0.1?") Fenix General nobody --- Tue 09:42
1869467 -- S4 Report Site Issue... icon shown as a white solid circle in a wink when opening 3-dot menu Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-13
1869491 -- S4 Double redirect with google OAuth for Android(HarmonyOS) in Firefox Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2023-12-18
1869581 -- S4 Cutoff Firefox logo displayed in the Google Play review prompt on Android 14 Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-13
1869770 -- S3 Tapping share link in Url context menu causes app to crash Fenix General ăqa-triagedî nobody --- 2024-02-16
1869844 -- S3 Incorrect theme displayed after updating Samsung devices Fenix General nobody --- 2023-12-13
1870726 -- S3 Firefox 120.1.1 for android doesn't delete cache on close Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-22
1872144 -- S3 Some navigation links and buttons in websites temporarily cause the website to reload Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-03-27
1872426 -- S4 Crash lists have multiple 'New Sentry Instance' and 'Socorro' links in a single crash report Fenix General [android-stability] nobody --- 2024-01-11
1872540 -- S3 reader view missing text Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-03
1873238 -- S3 [a11y] Consider increasing contrast for the 3dot menu button Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-25
1874718 -- S3 "Notifications" aren't allowed on private browsing on Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-18
1874860 -- S3 Text Prompt is limited to 5000 chars Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-11
1875005 -- S3 Firefox can't work properly once cache reaches 675 MB Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-02-26
1875041 -- S3 "Desktop site" enabled should not modify PDF pages Fenix General nobody --- 2024-01-17
1875048 -- S3 "Clear cookies and site data" from the address bar does not work in private browsing mode Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-18
1875249 -- S3 The screen-information-changed notification is triggered a lot on Focus GeckoView General nobody --- 2024-03-12
1875594 -- S3 Flickering text selection action bar Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-11
1875605 -- S4 The keyboard isn't dismissed Fenix General [qa-triaged] nobody --- 2024-01-22
1875610 -- S4 Fullscreen snackbar is way too big Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-11
1875692 -- S4 full screen still showing navigation button and top of the screen Fenix General nobody --- 2024-04-09
1875712 -- S4 Fullscreen transition is not smooth, take 2 Fenix General nobody --- 2024-03-28
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.