Wed Apr 17 2024 20:00:33 PDT
  • Classification: Client Software, Components
  • Product: Fenix, GeckoView
  • OS: Android
  • Product: (is not equal to) Focus
  • Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted
  • Flags: (does not contain the string) qe-verify-

25 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1875891 Crash in [@ java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: at java.nio.charset.CoderResult.throwException(] Fenix General amejiamarmol RESO FIXE 2024-01-29
1842608 Text selection handles are not displayed on Nightly. Fenix General emilio RESO FIXE 2023-07-12
1827583 - Media playback not detected, breaking media notifications, media controls, fullscreen landscape, background playback and PiP. GeckoView Media m_kato VERI FIXE 2023-06-20
1854258 In landscape mode, extra arrows appear in the menu (after installing an add-on and enabling "Delete browsing data on exit") Fenix Toolbar mavduevskiy RESO FIXE 2023-11-15
1815306 Tabs Tray can hang when page titles are abnormally long. Fenix Tabs nbond VERI FIXE 2023-02-17
1844967 Major performance issue with tabs tray rewrite on Galaxy Tab S4 Fenix Tabs nbond RESO FIXE 2023-10-05
1849794 Crash in [@ GeckoAppShellSupport::ReportJavaCrash] Fenix Crash Reporting nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1813470 Unable to upload media on most websites Fenix General nobody RESO DUPL 2023-01-30
1856718 Crash in [@ java.lang.RuntimeException: at androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedVisibilityKt$$ExternalSyntheticOutline1.onShutdown(R8$$SyntheticClass:5)] "GeckoRuntime is shutting down" Fenix General nobody RESO WORK 2023-10-31
1879782 Controls missing in video player while in full-screen portrait mode Fenix General nobody NEW --- Tue 12:30
1891729 The main menu is incorrectly displayed when the keyboard is dismissed Fenix General nobody NEW --- 13:20:39
1791842 Android crash in [@ java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeDispatchLibraryFromClasspath] Data Platform and To Glean: SDK nobody REOP --- 2024-02-06
1663570 Extremely slow rendering of SVG items. Impossible to scroll. Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-08-03
1877359 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size.getWidth-impl(Size.kt:29)] Fenix Homepage nobody NEW --- 2024-04-11
1619936 The yellow button reading "S'Abonner" flickers when scrolling up and down Core Layout: Flexbox nobody NEW --- 09:33:31
1866590 Video blank or blurry in full screen or landscape orientation GeckoView Media nobody RESO WORK 2023-12-08
1891867 Crash in [@ java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: at jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBounds(] from org.mozilla.fenix.onboarding.view.OnboardingScreenKt$OnboardingScreen Fenix Onboarding nobody NEW --- 13:08:00
1860835 Slow rendering pages (loading icon for 10+ seconds) since version 2.6.347 Firefox PDF Viewer nobody RESO INCO 2024-02-15
1847526 The input fields on the login page have unnecessary boxes inside at Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-03-07
1847702 The page does not load posts and becomes irresponsive at Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody RESO DUPL 2024-03-07
1851254 keyboard covers text field AGAIN. Same bug reported in 2012 and 2019. In chat scroll field is behind keyboard and scroll is frozen Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-03-07
1869797 "Get Facebook for Android" banner is missing at Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-03-12
1490873 Toggling SVG graph elements on and off leaves artifacts and erases parts. Core Web Painting nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1889097 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at androidx.compose.ui.node.LookaheadCapablePlaceable.layout(LookaheadDelegate.kt:38)] Fenix Homepage towhite RESO FIXE 19:00:55
1886210 Black screen when I go to the home screen, with a wallpapers set Fenix Homepage Vlad.DreghiciPopa ASSI --- Tue 13:58
25 bugs found.