Tue Apr 23 2024 14:08:46 PDT
  • Bug ID: (contains none of the words) 68982 26119 143800 1230126 674247 38076 1297118 151031 628245 320584 244618 513472 35929 121424 94791 77811 119964 316602 11013
  • Comment: broken corrupt
  • Resolution: ---, INVALID, WONTFIX
  • Product: MailNews Core, Thunderbird
  • Classification: Client Software, Components
  • Summary: (contains none of the strings) smime s/mime rdf subject
  • Summary: mime
  • Component: mime
  • Component: (contains none of the strings) s/mime compos

74 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
428318 should add file extension based on mime type when saving attachment which has no file extension Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
517491 e-mail with multipart/related incorrectly displayed MailNews Core MIME nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
606129 Attachments ending in .key displayed inline even if MIME type is application/octet-stream Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
886252 deleting 'wrote:' line in html reply to (mime) plain text email joins all lines Thunderbird Untriaged nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
1309016 mime content-type application/jpg not displayed inline MailNews Core MIME nobody UNCO --- 2022-12-28
1496310 E-Mail with bad MIME structure can cause compose window to remain open when forwarded by filter Thunderbird Filters nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1657053 Please allow setting mail.strictly_mime on a per-smtp-server basis Thunderbird Account Manager nobody UNCO --- 2020-09-20
1706809 Forward/"edit as new" not working for format=flowed, DelSp, ISO-2022-JP and format=flowed, QP MailNews Core MIME nobody UNCO --- 2022-08-27
1763721 IMAP sent-box MIME multipart messages shown as plain text MailNews Core MIME nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-18
1873134 Crash in [@ OOM | large | NS_ABORT_OOM | nsTSubstring<T>::AllocFailed | nsTSubstring<T>::Append | MimeRebuffer::IncreaseBuffer] MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
62026 Inline images in news/imap messages not rendered progressively MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
344288 Long URLs sent from mail.app are not linkified properly MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
189311 HTML Sanitizer (Simple HTML) breaks Mailnews' own stylesheet MailNews Core MIME ben.bucksch NEW --- 2022-10-10
548277 [mozTXTToHTMLConv/libmime] Should run plaintext recognizer only over text/plain. XML attachment(s) (or other text/* that are not text/plain) cause TB to hang MailNews Core MIME ben.bucksch NEW --- 2019-09-04
1628441 Multipart/mixed MIME messages may not display body (Local Folders) MailNews Core MIME gds NEW --- 2021-09-22
1843860 "Edit as New Message" and inline "Forward" not possible with some PGP-signed messages (no text, "Attached Message Part" attachment) MailNews Core MIME mkmelin+mozilla NEW --- 2023-12-07
31052 Display attachments inline: Contents & formatting of attached HTML file (background/CSS styles/position:absolute/dir="rtl"...) leak into main HTML part or vice versa (wrong bgcolor/images/unclosed tags...: unreadable; multipart/mime, iframe,send web page) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
61815 Image not shown inline when using "cid:" due to wrong Content-Type: multipart/mixed - Make TB more tolerant to incorrect MIME structure: accept multipart/mixed where multipart/related is required MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2024-04-07
108010 Better & more explicit support of MIME structure, including Message/External-body as per RFC 2017 MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2018-03-25
129020 When windows-1255 email is replied as both plaint text and html, the plain text is encoded incorrectly MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
130087 Broken/blocked image, context menu, view image or copy image/location fails. MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
184932 Content-base and Content-location have line feeds, breaking images in Apple's Mail.app MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
222344 Messages with quoted text are incorrectly copied to clipboard (doubled quote symbols when pasting) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2013-05-12
236212 Bad attachment content type (mime) MailNews Core Attachments nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
247313 HTML being changed when replying to Outlook HTML email composed in Word MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
293804 Attachment with unknown MIME type but known extension: TB should not presume types are identical Thunderbird Message Reader UI nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
368905 When last mime part(s) of multipart/alternative message is/are missing, fall back to showing previous parts (e.g. plaintext) Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
517796 application/octet-stream attachments cannot be viewed MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
559852 message/rfc822 attachment appears empty multipart/mixed MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
604284 base64 encoded text UTF-16 text is displayed garbled after newline (both U+000A/U+000D, and 0x0D/0x0A as second byte of UTF-16) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
611666 Mail forward is broken if forwarded email body contains ^M chars(Ctrl+M char, CR, 0x0D) (If stand alone CR exists in mail data, Tb tries to forward the mail data in base64, then bug 326303 occurs and message/rfc822 part data is corrupted) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
624083 Dataloss in mime decoding of emails with multipart/appledouble encoding with encoded resource fork data (results e.g. in word.doc attachments appearing corrupt) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2021-11-22
702754 multipart/related text and html attachments corrupted, with quantum interference MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
715845 Attachment inside attached email unreachable unless Display Attachments Inline is checked. MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
729742 remote content doesn't show images (Tb fails to process <img src="http:..."> and Content-Location: if filename in Content-Disposition contains "?" and filename is not quoted by double-quote) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
739025 If "?" is contained in MIME-Type of Content-Type:(e.g. =?iso-8859-1?q?application/pdf), message body text(Part1.1) is used by Open, and if "major MIME type only" or "& is contained in major MIME type", Open dialog is not shown. MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
769447 Plain text email body does not show by View/Message Body As/Plain Text, if text/plain part is not contained in multipart/alternative MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
819032 Forwarded email from Thunderbird has body shown as unparsed message with body base64 encoded MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
921049 Multipart/alternative + text/html part + view as plain text = fail MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2023-11-03
932089 Spam pics render during TEXT ONLY and DISPLAY ATTACHMENTS INLINE off MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
992633 Mime type of image is text/plain in HTML mail when drag-dropped from Nautilus into content (Tb uses "data:;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgE..." as Image Location when Drag&Drop from Nautilus) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
997050 Decode Content Email error (if charset=utf-16le or utf-16be and is QP encoded, =00 for 7bit-ascii character is replaced by =20 == space) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1339815 Request for Enhancement (RFE): if e-mail MIME body is broken, tell the user about it instead of showing a blank pane. Thunderbird Message Reader UI nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1362539 Plain text view shows no attachments in iPad (Apple) mails - Make TB more tolerant to incorrect MIME structure: Show attachments also if multipart/mixed is not at the top level (and attachment sits in alternative part) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2024-04-11
1367973 Some attachments appear in the message source but do not displayed as such. Make TB more tolerant to incorrect MIME structure: multipart/alternative where last part is a PDF attachment. MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2023-08-29
1435903 E-mail corrupted by Yahoo, Verizon, BellSouth, etc. servers. Was: Use `CTE: 8bit` only when the server is advertising the 8BITMIME support MailNews Core Networking: SMTP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1482850 Crash in MimeDecoderWrite MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2023-05-28
1796711 Consider dropping support for various modes of having incomplete messages (IMAP: mime_parts_on_demand; POP3: fetch headers only) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2023-08-30
1861800 Quick filter in body fails when Content-Type is simply "text" MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1876127 Crash in [@ mime_decode_qp_buffer] opening draft or template MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2024-03-11
568574 some emails with multipart/alternative have no content in the body but shows up when viewing source ( multipart/alternative[ text/plain+text/html+text/plain with_inline_filename ], "PC Tools AntiVirus" adds third part ) MailNews Core MIME philbaseless-firefox NEW --- 2022-10-10
580842 The last attachment file in a generated mail truncates to a size of multiple of 4096 bytes when I forward inline a message which has attachment files using IMAP4.(Tb is better tolerant with garbage after base64 encoded data, loss of close boundary line) MailNews Core MIME nobody REOP --- 2022-10-10
1213748 Mailaddresses with exclamation mark like !foo@bar.com are quoted ("!foo"@bar.com), but ! is regular localpart character per RFCs MailNews Core MIME nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1646404 multipart/mixed with multipart/signed messages delivered with broken MIME structure at PGP Proxy API MailNews Core Security: OpenPGP nobody RESO INVA 2022-08-04
134663 Mozilla doesn't display all IncrediMail e-mail messages correctly MailNews Core MIME bugzilla RESO INVA 2008-07-31
176645 Message headers are broken on header with \n after header name MailNews Core MIME bugzilla RESO INVA 2008-07-31
191351 Images sometimes don't display when sent to AOL mail client, when img tag is word wrapped in mail source MailNews Core MIME bugzilla RESO INVA 2008-07-31
87653 Message body contents are not displayed when Content-Type header is folded, doesn't handle whitespace (boundary="abc [CRLF] xyz"[CRLF] is specified, but --abcxyz is used for boundary line in mail) MailNews Core MIME DAntrushin RESO WONT 2017-05-24
116399 reduce roundtrips between 8 and 16 bit characters in mime text plain converter when possible MailNews Core MIME mozilla RESO WONT 2012-04-10
217900 Mime decoding broken for some IMAP mails Thunderbird Mail Window Front En mscott RESO INVA 2004-02-19
288826 Broken attachment name in MIME header is not concatenated back Thunderbird Mail Window Front En mscott RESO INVA 2005-04-03
373407 MIME messages with improper "cid"s originating from Outlook 2003 do not display Thunderbird Mail Window Front En mscott RESO INVA 2007-03-13
315879 badly handling of the header when ^M is inserted MailNews Core MIME nobody RESO INVA 2010-01-27
444009 URLs in message display are truncated at pipe symbol MailNews Core MIME nobody RESO INVA 2012-01-20
464937 8bit mime causing email to bounce Thunderbird General nobody RESO INVA 2009-01-15
479203 Thunderbird unable to handle malformed/corrupted Content-Type: multipart/related; as user wants (malformed : start= points non-existent content id, type= points non-existent content-type) MailNews Core MIME nobody RESO INVA 2016-05-22
647562 Thunderbird claims the attachment is empty although it is visible in the raw message ("mail data without attachment subpart data by mime_parts_on_demand=true" + "entire mail data by auto-sync" are merged into IMAP offline-store file) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody RESO INVA 2018-02-27
810771 Email is shown empty ( multipart/alternative [ correct text/plain + correct text/html + null text/plain ]. Kaspersky adds null text/plain part to multipart/alternative mail, thus the last null text/plain part is used ) MailNews Core MIME nobody RESO INVA 2012-11-19
1274180 TB should handle messages with incorrect MIME parts better and allow access to attachments if body is missing, see comment #11. MailNews Core MIME nobody RESO WONT 2017-02-15
1517293 Embedded images aren't displayed due to Content-Type: application/octet-stream MailNews Core MIME nobody RESO INVA 2019-01-04
1733745 Mime messages not forwarded properly (forward inline as plain text) MailNews Core MIME nobody RESO INVA 2021-10-25
1846073 Thunderbird 116.0b7 (64-bit) MessageUI won't render MIMEpart messages Thunderbird Untriaged nobody RESO INVA 2023-08-01
46238 Invalid images dont get shown as link MailNews Core MIME rhp VERI INVA 2008-07-31
70124 Does not decode 8-bit "Q" MIME encoded-words MailNews Core MIME bugzilla VERI WONT 2008-07-31
74 bugs found.