Thu Apr 25 2024 07:49:08 PDT
  • Product: MailNews Core, Thunderbird
  • Product: utf-16
  • Component: utf-16
  • Alias: utf-16
  • Summary: utf-16
  • Whiteboard: utf-16
  • Crash Signature: utf-16

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
744334 Error with (View Attachment Inline) when file saved as a UTF-16 HTML file MailNews Core MIME nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
139686 Attaching UTF-16 file gives bad CR-LF MailNews Core Internationalization nobody NEW --- 2016-09-19
244829 utf-16 text file attached incorrectly decoded for in-line display MailNews Core Attachments nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
604284 base64 encoded text UTF-16 text is displayed garbled after newline (both U+000A/U+000D, and 0x0D/0x0A as second byte of UTF-16) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
779087 The sourcecode view is broken when opening mail written in UTF-16 (If mail of charset=UTF-16, View/Message Source shows entire message source data as UTF-16) Thunderbird Message Reader UI nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
984129 subject line not displayed fully when subject is utf-16 encoded MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
997050 Decode Content Email error (if charset=utf-16le or utf-16be and is QP encoded, =00 for 7bit-ascii character is replaced by =20 == space) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1551746 Replace use of escape() and unescape() in hacky UTF-8 <--> UTF-16 conversion MailNews Core Feed Reader nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
8 bugs found.