Wed Apr 24 2024 10:34:50 PDT
  • Product: Core, Firefox, NSPR, NSS, Toolkit
  • Resolution: ---
  • Component: (is not equal to) Build Config
  • status-firefox58: fix-optional
  • Summary: (does not contain the string) [meta
  • Severity: (is not equal to) enhancement
  • status-firefox58: (is not equal to) fixed
  • status-firefox59: ---

ID Product Comp Assignee Status status-firefox58 status-firefox59 Resolution Summary Updated
1406088 Firefox New Tab Page nobody UNCO fix-optional --- --- browser.newtabpage.rows (manually config reset at each restart) 2022-10-11
1316681 Core XUL nobody NEW fix-optional --- --- Add the ability to mark top level windows as always-on-top 2022-10-11
1402275 Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW fix-optional --- --- Can we store template object for async generator's result object per each generator? 2022-10-11
1414683 Core JavaScript Engine nobody NEW fix-optional --- --- [jsdbg2] Debugger.Environment.prototype.type should return more detailed information 2022-10-11
1409647 Core Layout nobody NEW fix-optional --- --- The background layout of Youtube loads too slowly, around .5~1s 2023-10-30
5 bugs found.