Firefox OS App Workshop Prague

Update:This event will be rescheduled for Autumn 2014. We are designing the workshop with a new regional focus and aim to re-open the invitation request form with a confirmed date and venue before the summer starts. Please stay tuned here on the Hacks blog.

Back in March, Mozilla tech evangelist Frédéric Harper visited Prague in the Czech Republic and gave a talk at the local Prague JavaScript meetup. His presentation, Empower Mobile Web Developers With JavaScript and WebAPI introduced a roomful of Czech JavaScripters to Firefox OS, Open Web Apps, and our recent integration with Apache Cordova and Adobe PhoneGap. PhoneGap/Cordova developers who’ve built native apps for other platforms and stores can now port PhoneGap-built apps to Firefox OS.

Just as sure as the coming of summer, Firefox OS is coming to the Czech Republic in 2014, and Fred and friends are heading back to Prague to host a full-day, invitation-only Firefox OS App Workshop on Saturday, June 28. There will be phones! All participants will receive a developer device to test and demo their apps, and to keep for future app development. For free.

Requirements: Show us your app

REQUIRED: To qualify for this free hands-on, technical workshop, you must be able to show us a published HTML5 app that you’re porting to Firefox OS or a working Firefox OS app in progress. Show us a link to your existing app or to working code for the app you’re building.

Apply now for the Prague App Workshop, June 28, 2014.


NOTE: If you do not provide relevant links to working app code we will not be able to consider your application. Firefox Marketplace currently offers plenty of tic-tac-toe games, sliding puzzles, calculators, and to-do list apps. We love to be impressed by new, original, and locally relevant apps, for work and play.

In the Czech Republic, we need apps that are in Czech. And if you want to extend the reach of your app by translating it to other languages, we have a pilot localization program to help you.

What to expect

This workshop is open to individual developers and teams of up to 4 people. The workshop begins with a technical introduction in English in the morning; the rest of the time is for coding and testing your app using the App Manager that’s built in Firefox Developer Tools. Bring laptops and devices.

At the close of the day, there will be demos of all the apps in progress. After demos, we’ll all go to dinner. Mozilla will provide food and drink throughout the day of the workshop, but travel and lodging arrangements are up to you. And after the workshop, we will stay in touch while you complete your apps and submit them to Firefox Marketplace.


If you don’t have a Firefox OS app in progress, here are some resources to help you get started. There’s never been a better time:

One comment

  1. Pick N Pull

    This is a good time to get started with some cool apps. The fact that we are able to use phonegap makes things a bit sweeter and manageable for me. I hope that mozilla can now produce more hardware access through API to make some serious calls to hardware. I am thinking codecs and the whole nine yards.

    May 16th, 2014 at 19:35

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