Fri Apr 19 2024 06:18:28 PDT
  • Bug ID: 538486, 970575, 754773, 734295, 757206, 994882, 928173

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
757206 Update older Firefox what's new pages General anthony RESO FIXE 2013-12-27
538486 First Run pages for old Firefox versions should warn user about being out-of-date General nobody RESO WONT 2012-08-23
970575 Old Firefox start page ( tells everyone their Firefox is out of date Websites Firefox Start nobody RESO FIXE 2015-02-20
754773 [Firefox Beta] Update to latest Firefox Beta prompt in start Up page of users running old betas Marketing Design tyronflanagan RESO FIXE 2012-07-06
734295 [Firefox Beta] Moving Users in old beta builds to the latest beta build Snippets Graveyard General wbowden RESO FIXE 2019-05-20
928173 Create an Add-on Hotfix to give outdated users a full installer and the ability to submit their logs to us Firefox General gps VERI FIXE 2014-10-27
994882 [UX] Get Windows users on old/unsupported Firefox versions onto modern versions Firefox General jboriss VERI FIXE 2014-06-10
7 bugs found.