Thu Apr 18 2024 01:30:14 PDT
  • Bug ID: (contains none of the words) 1183798
  • Reporter:
  • Updated: (is greater than or equal to) 2015-07-23
  • Opened: (changed after) 2015-07-23
  • Opened: (changed before) 2015-07-23 23:59:59
  • Keywords: (does not contain the string) smoketest
  • Component: (is not equal to) Gaia::UI Tests

11 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1186944 [Aries][OTA] Unable to find latest build from OTA channel 'dogfood-latest' Taskcluster General nobody RESO WONT 2016-03-02
1187015 test_browser and test_cost_control: "TimeoutException: Timed out after 10.1 seconds" Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::UI Tests martijn.martijn RESO FIXE 2015-07-24
1187066 "TimeoutException: Timed out after 10.3 seconds" Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::UI Tests martijn.martijn RESO FIXE 2015-07-28
1186726 Move Nightly Mozilla-Central schedule to 3am and 3pm PDT Release Engineering General nobody RESO FIXE 2018-05-08
1186728 Enable Cut Copy Paste for Customizer Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Customizer nobody RESO WONT 2018-03-02
1187087 [E-Mail] Email app crashes when selecting 'Next' for automatic account setup, apparently due to IPDL protocol error on SetCookieString Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::E-Mail nobody RESO WORK 2015-07-28
1187100 [Homescreen] Changing wallpaper from hold-menu will have minor graphics issue; "Select from" dialog lingering at bottom of screen Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Homescreen nobody RESO WONT 2015-12-08
1187106 [Settings] Wi-fi is not fully disabled in sleep mode when "Wi-fi sleep" is turned on in Settings. Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Settings nobody RESO WONT 2018-03-02
1187111 [Aries][Utility Tray] User can scroll the homescreen while utility tray is open if 2 fingers are touching the screen Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Customizer nobody RESO WONT 2018-03-02
1187117 [Search] Inputting a MailTo: link into the rocketbar search bug will open a blank browser window before redirecting to the mail app Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Search nobody RESO WONT 2018-03-02
1187056 "Timed out after 10.3 seconds" Core Layout kats VERI FIXE 2015-12-10
11 bugs found.