1127776 1127776 1133006 1127753 1122805 1121831

Fri Apr 26 2024 02:38:26 PDT
  • Bug ID: 1127776, 1127776, 1133006, 1127753, 1122805, 1121831

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1121831 [Privacy Panel] Transparency Control: apps search filter Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia fabien VERI FIXE 2015-03-02
1122805 [Marketplace][Text Selection] User is able to select text from the listing of apps causing marketplace to become unresponsive and eventually crash. Core DOM: Selection chenpighead VERI FIXE 2015-03-02
1127753 [TextSelection] Utility bubble will still shows after tapping cut icon in rocket bar Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::System mephisto41 VERI FIXE 2015-03-02
1127776 [Autocorrect] Typing 2 digits is autocorrected to $US (with French keyboard) Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Keyboard janjongboom VERI FIXE 2015-03-02
1133006 [Calendar][Add Event] The "Add Event" header is left aligned and not centered Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::Calendar kevin+bugzilla VERI FIXE 2015-03-12
5 bugs found.