1127773 1127102 1120541 1126260

Thu Apr 25 2024 10:05:41 PDT
  • Bug ID: 1127773, 1127102, 1120541, 1126260

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1120541 Rocketbar appears instead of app icons near the app header Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::System alegnadise+moz VERI FIXE 2015-04-15
1126260 Outgoing/Incoming call fails intermittently Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::System::Window gsvelto VERI FIXE 2015-10-19
1127102 [E-Mail] Returning to home closes app; can kill other open apps on open Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::E-Mail nobody RESO WORK 2015-01-30
1127773 [Messages] It's impossible to scroll content inside message input Core Panning and Zooming kats VERI FIXE 2017-05-25
4 bugs found.